Expandrive how many computer
Expandrive how many computer

expandrive how many computer

Some USB drives, forĮxample, take some time to mount before your computer recognizes them.

expandrive how many computer

Your Dropbox folder must be available when your computer boots andīefore the Dropbox desktop application starts. You may encounter problems if Dropbox occasionally can't access the detached volume holding its folder, however. You can purchase more licenses in the forms of packs, which range from three to 25 copies.

expandrive how many computer

That said, you can change the location of the Dropbox folder away from its default of ~/Dropbox, so if you have a separate internal or external disk you could put the Dropbox folder there. An ExpanDrive 7 license costs 49.95, and the server edition is 99.95. As far as I'm aware, you can't mount your Dropbox account as some sort of remote file share - its synced files are always written to your local disk. Update: See nassimhddd's answer below about ExpanDrive allowing you to mount your DropBox account as (external) drive - since ExpanDrive Server Edition has a unique feature on windows that allows you to automatically share your mount on the network, so other computers can connect to your computer and access the storage.

Expandrive how many computer